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ClownCat gender ;; A gender that feels like a cat who is easily excited, and most of the time happy and hyper---------
Circuscandyic ;; A gender of the combination of both clowns/the circus and candy/sweet things in general---------
Clowncoric ;; A gender based on clowncore, as well as the stylings of clowns, mimes, jesters, circuses, ect---------
Genderbouffon ;; A gender relating to clowns, jesters, chaos, mischief, and doom.---------
Clownbungender ;; A gender connected to bunnies and clowns it may feel energetic and silly---------
Crazyclowngender ;; A gender related to being a clown that is crazy in a goofy, wacky, and silly way---------
WiggleSlugGender ;; A xenogender related to the wiggle slug sensory toy---------
Nijigoreflux ;; A xenogender that fluctuates between being colorful and creepy or gorey---------
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carrd made by the bloodmoon offices